
First Step Education Consultancy (FSEC) is an organization established with an aim to provide an outstanding educational support to aspiring students in Nepal. First Step Education Consultancy is a private establishment registered with the Office of the Company Registrar, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supply, His Majesty’s Government of Nepal. The main office of the organization is located at New Baneshwor in the Heart of, Kathmandu capital of Nepal. First Step Education Consultancy is a service-oriented organization that consistently explores better educational and career opportunities for deserving candidates. We are a team of professionals who believe in growth, harmony and integrity.
We will serve as a bridge for prospective students who are in quest of a more challenging educational ladder by endeavoring a higher discipline to different colleges and/or universities in Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK, Ireland, Japan, Switzerland, Finland, Norway, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Cyprus, Singapore and some others. The knowlege and hands on training the international students gain abroad will add a tremendous impact in their respective educational background that will lead them to a higher paying job back home or international marketplace not to mention a big chance of acquiring a permanent residence when they satisfactory perform in theoritical and practical application.number of parents can be accommodated on each tour on first come first serve basis. Also it should be noted that the tour does not guarantee that the child will be accepted. Accepts applications from prospective parents Judged throughout the year and those interested are encouraged to contact the school by way of telephone or e-mail by using the contact form to get information difference to the community we serve and that provides.